Monday, August 1, 2011

The end of My First Week

Day 7 - Stretch X

Well, I made it through the week. I feel really good. I have a lot of energy, and I am not all that sore. The hour of stretching today was amazing, although near impossible to fit into my schedule. ...especially since my attempt at being organized and scheduled for my day does not work with my family's more spontaneous schedule. We need to work on coordinating better, since it is really hard to get a focused workout in with interruptions.

Overall, my impression of the first week is that it is extremely tough. I think my body is basically use to the hour-long routine now, which will make subsequent workouts easier. Again, I cannot thank my "team" enough for all the encouragement in this first week. I am pretty sure if I was doing this on my own for the first time, I probably wouldn't have made it this far. ...did I mention it is a really hard workout? :) Right now, I am feeling the benefits of it. I have more energy than I normally do, and I feel more motivated to become more fit and healthy. I am happy I started the program, mentally and physically, I needed this.

I'm going to cut down my blogging to once or twice a week, but still keep videos for my own reference. Ah, tip of the day....breath....I love it!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bringing out the Martial Artist in Me!

Day 6 - Kenpo X

I totally brought it today! THIS is MY workout for sure! As a martial artist (on extended sabbatical...) it really makes me miss it and want to get back into it! I had to stop taekwondo for about 6 months due to a huge project I had at work, and when I wanted to come back, the dojang closed. At that time, I was 6 months away from testing for my black belt.

Martial arts are incredible for strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and focus. I miss the daily workouts with the focus and intensity that my taekwondo, judo and jujitsu classes brought. Some day I will get back into it and get my black belt. It is still a goal of mine, and martial arts is an incredibly good disipline to study. It is both a physical and mental workout!

I know I will look forward to Kenpo X every week! Here's my post-workout video blog...(to see the rest, visit my posterous site

Friday, July 29, 2011

Doin' My Best and Forgettin' the Rest

Day 5 - Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X

Legs and back workout was great! I like this one. It's tough, like everything else, but the soreness is subsiding and I am able to do most of the reps.

For Ab Ripper X today, I set a goal of 20 reps for everything. I had only been able to get to 10-15 the first time I did it. I figured the V-Up Split exercise would be hard, and I would try to do 15...because that one I could hardly get is my most difficult one.

Well, I got 20 reps of everything, and when we got to the V-Up Split, I lost track of my count and ended up doing the full set of 25!!! I really had to push myself for every exercise to make it to 20! I totally brought it today!!!

I am feeling fabulous!!!

Has it Really Only Been 4 days!?!

Day 4 - Yoga X

Yoga X was not new to me. I had done this workout a few times last summer, and it was intense. This time, it was much harder than I remembered. I guess it's because most of my muscles are very fatigued from pushing to the limit the past 3 days.

I was able to push through, and do most of the exercises. I only "almost" fell over a half dozen times. ;)

I absolutely love most of this workout. The second half with balance postures and stretching feels so good. It is a long workout, but it felt really good. It's amazing how much you can sweat when you're hardly moving at more than a snails pace.

I am looking forward to the next few days and then stretching on Sunday. I'm keeping up the daily blogging and video blogs on posterous this week, but I will probably switch to a weekly re-cap blog after that.

I am still a little sore. Starting this workout reminds me of the first week of swim team or soccer in High School. It's pretty much pushing through the sore and tired until you're use to it...I'm almost use to it. It's gonna be a long hard season, but I'm excited to get in the best shape of my life since my Warhawk days!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getting Better - Pushing It

Day 3 - Shoulders & Arms and Abs

I really liked today's workout. I'm having a couple technical difficulties with my power-block weights, but nothing i can't smooth out for the next time.

Abs was a bit brutal, since I am still sore from Monday. I know I just have to push through it, and the soreness will go away.

I got vitamins to take today, and I'm probably going to order the recovery drink...the P90X vetrans in the group swear it is awesome! I'm going to try it.

I had to work out when the family was around tonight, and that didn't work out so well. It's hard to keep focused and stay in the "zone" when your little ones keep coming in to ask you questions. No big deal, but I think working out in a quiet house is the ideal situation. We'll have to seee how the weekends go.

I decided to keep short video diaries of each day for my own reference and so I can go back and watch the progress in my fitness. In case anyone wants to share in my suffering, I am going to post them all to my "posterous" site.

Right now, I'm really, really tired. I've been going to bed early and getting lots of sleep the past few nights, but working out this hard is taking a lot out of me right now. It's going to take a while to get use to.

I'm looking forward to yoga x tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ply-ooohhh...and Our P90X Team

Day 2 of P90X - Plyometrics

I was a little nervous about this one. I pre-viewed the plyo video last night so I knew what I was in for...and as the video stated, this was the "mother of all workouts." A curler friend, Liza, said this workout is brutal. Liza, by the way, is on her second round of doing the program, and is on Day 15 right now. She has been another person who is giving me some great positive, encouraging words (tweets actually). ...I also had a couple friends who said plyo is one of their favorites., I was hoping maybe I would love it.

It was brutal...and I think it's going to be a love/hate relationship with this one.

One of the cool things about starting this whole thing, is that I feel like I have a team doing it with me. I played team sports growing up. There I had a coach pushing me to my limits, and teammates by my side going through it all at the same time...with the ultimate goal of being the best players and working together to be the best and strongest team. With a handful of friends doing P90X all at the same time, I feel like they are my team, and we are all in this together. (and Tony Horton is our coach, pushing us to our limits)

Without that support, I don't know if I'd get through more than a couple weeks of this. This program is hard...yeah, I know it's only been 2 days. =)

So, here's to my P90X team! You guys rock, and with you, I KNOW I can do this all the way!

Dave Ellis - My favorite Canadian...Who talked me into this in the first place. We are scheduling it to work out at the same time if possible, and then chat about the workout after...and sometimes txt during our water breaks to complain how brutal Tony Horton is to us.

Jeremy "the hitman" Roe - Jer and his wife are both doing the program, and they are doing the full meal plan. I'm doing my own version of the meal plan and just watching my portions and cutting out junk food and drink.

Liza Beres - California curler transplanted to the midwest recently. She's a P90X vetran, and is on Day 15 of her second round. She's got the best motivational tweets! Despite a 2 hour time difference from her previous residence, (therefore working out a couple hours earlier than she was use to)...she is rockin it!

Dan Wiza - Fastest sweeper in the midwest...Saw the post on facebook, and decided he's in too! No more putting off working out! It's perfect timing for us to all be in tip-top shape for the start of curling season! Dan has done this before...he's got some good advice too.

Shana Healer - Cute, feisty, Texan culer...who can break a sweat going to the mailbox and out for ice cream. ...heck, it's Texas...its hot down there! But she's putting up her hair and working out too! You go girl!!!

I am excited to see everyone's progress, and happy to be friends with all these people who are pushing themselves to the limits to get in tip top shape! Woo hoo! Keep it up!

See yah tomorrow everybody!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Tony Horton...I Hate You

Day one of P90X workout. I survived, but I hated every moment of it. Tony Horton hates me. He wants me to suffer... Hahahaha...I LOVE IT!!! (keep telling yourself that Heather) At least I have fellow curlers, Dave Ellis and Jeremy Roe to help keep me on track!

I know I will love it in a few weeks. I'm going to blog, and occasionally add a video today. Thoughts after the first workout...